Thursday, February 23, 2012

A New Start

Ok, lets catch up. I maintained and felt great till the fall of last year. I fell and my rotator cuff was seriously damaged. I had surgery in November and started gaining weight. I was told no gym, even to walk. It made me depressed and I slipped into bad habits. It has been a stressful couple of months and I have made every excuse in the books. For the last 3 to 4 weeks I have been trying to come back. Last week I got released from my doctor for full activity. (in 6 weeks he will release me for good if I am ok) I am excited to work out again but my diet attempts have been miserable. Every morning I start strong but by 4pm I have fallen off the wagon and in depression I eat even more. Today I started again. I got to the gym and did my free weight workout and finally had time to do some cardio. I only did 20 minutes but I could not bring myself to eat crap after that and made it through the day without slipping! I have to go day by day but it is great to make it through today and I want to keep up with it. I do not want to go back to were I was before and need to stop making excuses. (yes, I am watching the biggest loser this season-hahaha) Anyway, I want to start blogging again. It will make me responsible and keep me focused. By my start date in May I want to be back on he road to healthy and happy.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


I have reached a milestone! I am now 225, that is what I weighed when Gordon proposed almost 15 years ago. The great thing is I was wearing a size 22 then. I just bought size 16 jeans for summer! I was wearing size 16 when I was in high school. It feels great and I love my energy. I am really trying to get to 199 next. That seems so unreal to me but I am going to keep going. Just to log the numbers my heaviest weight was 308 and that means my total loss is 83 pounds and when I started this journey on the 24th of May last year I was 286 so my loss since then is 61. I am excited with those numbers but mostly excited to be out of the 30s and into the 20s.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Moving Forward

I am pretty excited today. I have felt like I was not doing as well as I would like and have been pretty bummed. There is a lot of stress at home and I am not sleeping as well as I should so I felt stuck. However, today I weighed myself to see if I had gained and I have actually lost 3 pounds! I lost the 3 pounds that I gained over christmas and now I am at 233 and 34 pounds from 199! I can do it and there is no looking back or resting! I am Dorie, "just keep moving, just keep moving" (name that movie)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Beginnings

I am excited to start the new year. I have been coasting through the holidays but I am really looking forward to this new year. I have set a goal to lose 37 pounds by July 1st. That will put me below 200 for the first time since high school and just in time for my in-laws 50th anniversary party! It will be fun to see everyone that I haven't seen in a while and let them see the new me! Hope you are setting goals and sticking to them. It really feels good!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays

I am loving this Christmas. I have lost another 3 pounds (so much for my goal to maintain through the holidays) hahaha. I made the decision to go through my closet. I am getting rid of everything that is too big. I do not want to have any reason to backslide! There is no going back. I am excited that there is a lot less junk and can't wait to lose enough to buy more. I did go out and get a few skirts and shirts to wear to church but starting January 1 I am hitting it hard! 34 more pounds to get to 199! I will make it this new year! Have a great new year and remember to make goals to be a better you!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Vacation is over

Sorry for the break in posting, vacation has putting me far behind. However I am proud to report that I lost 2 pounds while I was out and I am excited to be back at the gym. This means that I will end the year with 50 pounds lost and I am looking forward to keeping it and more off this year coming. I am working for that goal. Merry Christmas and lets all work to be healthy this year coming up!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Wii Results

Ok, this is totally cheating but I can not resist! I got on the Wii this morning and it says I am 237! It is usually less than the YMCA but not by much so I am thrilled. It is great to see the 30's even if the Y doesn't have the same number! I really feel good about myself. Another thing about the Wii, it gives you a fit age based on weight, balance and actual age. It has shown my much older than I am but today it says I am my real age of 44! That means I am getting stronger and my balance is better (possibly because I can see my feet- hahaha) Anyway, I will take any victory I can get! Have a great day!