Sunday, October 24, 2010

Look at Me Now!

Ok, things were looking pretty bleak, then out of nowhere a week ago I went to 246! I thought it was a fluke but then this week I dropped to 243! I am now within 7 pounds of hitting 50 pounds lost and I am feeling great! I thought it was time to include a picture so you can see me and I can record where I am at.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Off Like a Herd Of Turtles

1 pound. That is it. I am bummed out and even when I stepped up my workout it didn't seem to help. I am officially tired. Don't worry I am not giving up but it is hard. I set an original goal of 100 pounds in 6 months. Ok, I know that is not happening but I don't even see half that in 6 months. Everybody says to have manageable goals and that makes sense but I don't see an end in sight. At this rate it could literally be another year before I get to a place where I am just fat. I am getting close to drastic measures.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No Pain No Gain (or In This Case Loss)

Ok, this was great! I have been working at a 3 on the treadmill and last Friday I started ramping it up (no pun intended)by working at an incline of 3. Well today I got wondering what more to do and I found it! I noticed a button on the treadmill that said weight loss. I have been afraid to push in the past but today I through caution to the wind and PUSHED THE BUTTON! There were several options so of course I chose the one that looked the most difficult. You walked at 0 incline for 1 minute then 2 minutes at a 4 then 3 at a six and then 2 at a Nine, then back down in the reverse order. Then one minute at 0 and then 2 at 4 and 2 at 9 and back down then you repeat the whole thing till you are done your workout. I did 30 minutes. Boy was I sweating and at a nine I had to hold on to keep going. It was fun but definately a lot harder than what I have been doing. I can't wait to do it again and see how long it takes to get used to. I really love my time in the gym. My trainer was not available today so I can't wait to see her on Tuesday.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Counting Every Ounce!

Ok, I have been really slow now. I am not giving up and have a plan to get past it. I weighed in on Saturday and I was exactly 251. Last week I was 252.8. That means that I have lost 1.8 pds this last week and I am glad. I think that my workout (the cardio part - training is great) has hit a slump. I worked up to a 3 and have been doing 20-30 minutes but it is not challenging. So on Friday I worked at a 3.2 and did an incline of 3 for about half the time. I really felt like I was working harder and I think that will make a difference. Also today I could not get to the gym so when Gordon got home we put the girls to bed and Josh and Ted played the WII while Gordon and I went out and biked the neighborhood. Without the kids I could really push it with Gordon (keeping up with that guy was hard) and we biked a mile and a quarter together. So I managed a good workout today and tomorrow I hit the gym. Even if it is 1.8 pounds a week I will keep going. I really want to lose 15 pds more before Thanksgiving so I am praying this slump passes and I can get back to 3 to 4 pds. (Not that I am greedy)